Made For Play
Explore child development through play, find inspiration for your next DIY project, and discover tips for selecting the perfect toys for your little ones.
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Unlocking the Power of Play: 4 Essential Types to Inspire Your Child
We love talking about kids’ play almost as much as we love developing open-ended, play-focused toys. Because we believe play is so much more than entertainment. It’s a brain-boosting, vocabulary-building, social-skill-teaching wonder. Just as your kiddo needs a varied diet, they need different types of play – and these four are a great place to start! Here are four essential types of play that help your child learn, grow, and thrive! Constructive Play Constructive play is anything that involves kids building with toys like building blocks, play dough, train sets, and craft materials. This type of play looks like it’s all fun and games, but it can also indicate whether kids are hitting developmental milestones. Babies between 14 and 20 months should be able to stack two blocks together, then four blocks by 17 - 24 months, and finally six blocks by 20 - 30 months. Experts use these benchmarks to gauge whether your child’s hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, and cognitive skills are developing as expected. Constructive play has also been associated with kids’ performance in school, especially in math. In one study, kids who created more complex structures around age 4 were more likely to have higher math scores later in life. This type of play has also been linked to improved spatial reasoning, stronger language development, and more creative problem-solving. Dramatic/ Pretend Play Dramatic play happens when kids take on a “role” and act it out. It can be as simple as playing chef in their play kitchen or as whimsical as pretending to be a fairy astronaut in space. Either way, kids are benefitting from their made-up scenarios… especially when you join in and play with them! For younger toddlers, pretend play often looks like acting out aspects of adult life – even the ones that might seem dull to us like sorting mail or folding socks. This type of play helps them make sense of the adult world and build essential life skills. For older kids, pretend play takes on endless possibilities. When they act out real-world scenarios (even with a little fantasy twist), they rehearse the social norms of everyday interactions, building their confidence and vocabulary. When they pretend to be another character or person, they practice putting themselves in someone else’s shoes, helping them develop empathy and social understanding. And of course, pretend play is hugely important for helping kids develop their creativity! Active Play Running, jumping, hanging, climbing, etc. are all part of the active play category, and as you could probably guess, this type of play is critical for kids’ physical health. As they engage in high-energy activities (ideally outside), they’re not just strengthening muscles and getting exercise. They’re developing strong bone density and robust vestibular systems (the bodily system that’s responsible for balance and spatial awareness.) Active play has tons of less obvious benefits too. Kids who get more activity tend to sleep better at night, have an easier time focusing on academic tasks, and are less likely to struggle with anxiety and depression, Social Play All of these types of play can be combined with another critical type: social play. Whether it’s playing tag, building a tower together, or playing house with a friend, social play fosters social and emotional development as kids learn to interact with their peers. When kids pretend together, each pretend scenario comes with a kind of unspoken social contract as kids decide what they are going to be and how their make-believe world works. If they want to change something about the scenario, they’ll need to communicate and get their friends on board. But don’t worry if it seems like your toddler isn’t exactly interested in social play yet. Sociologist Mildred Parten broke down kids’ stages of play into six distinct categories, all of which involve different amounts of social interaction: Unoccupied play occurs when very young babies observe the world around them with interest but don’t try to interact with it yet. Independent play occurs when a child plays alone. It usually begins around age 2 and lasts through childhood. Onlooker play is most common around ages 2 and 3 and occurs when kids simply observe other kids playing but don’t join in. Though it may seem like they’re not doing much, they’re actually soaking in a ton of information on social norms and how older kids play together. Parallel play is also common around ages 2 and 3. In this case kids are playing near each other, often doing similar activities, but aren’t really playing with each other yet. Associative play is similar to parallel play but with a little more social interaction as kids may talk to each other and influence each other’s activities (like making suggestions for their block tower or trying to copy a friend’s drawing). This type of play is most common between ages 3 and 4. Cooperative play is what we’re likely thinking of when we picture traditional “social play.” Kids are truly playing with each other, not just near each other, and are interacting and communicating. This type of play emerges as kids’ favorite way to interact with their peers around age 4 or 5. Each of these stages is important, so don’t worry if your little one is more of an onlooker than a “jump-on-in” type. They’re still picking up valuable social skills that will benefit them later when they do engage more in cooperative play! Helping Your Child Engage in Different Types of Play Helping your kiddos get enough of each type of play is simple. As long as they aren’t spending too much time on screens or at scheduled events, they’ll naturally seek out these types of play on their own. Our job is simply to provide a few open-ended toys that support each type of play, give them plenty of free time to engage in play, and join in on the fun! Use our Shop by Skills page to easily find toys that foster these different types of play and the developmental skills associated with them!

How to Support STEM Through Play
Setting our kids up to love learning starts with play – and the STEM subjects are no exception! Even in the toddler years, play helps lay the foundation for early STEM skills and sparks interest in STEM subjects. What Is STEM? STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. STEM in early education often focuses on laying strong foundations in math and science. That part feels pretty self-explanatory to most of us since science and math are basic elementary school subjects that we took as kids too. But the “technology and engineering” part gets a little more confusing to many of us. Those subjects can feel very advanced and foreign to us, leaving us wondering if our preschool kids need to be working with robot kits or building model bridges to get a full STEM education. In reality, toddler and preschoolers get the technology/ engineering component of STEM anytime they’re flexing their creativity and problem-solving muscles. So while those advanced building kits are great for older kids, for toddlers and preschoolers technology/ engineering activities look more like building with bricks or constructing toy train tracks. Toddler STEM Activities and Toys From messy science experiments to block tower masterpieces, these activities support STEM skills, but to your kiddos, they just feel like play! Ramps Playing with ramps is a great way to introduce early physics concepts and experimentation to your kiddos. This can be as simple as propping a cardboard box up against your couch. Roll different balls and other objects down it and encourage your toddler to experiment. Race objects to see which are the fastest, which go the farthest, and what happens when you adjust the incline of the ramp! Magic Milk Magic milk is a classic toddler science activity. They love the swirling colors, and you can introduce some early science concepts as you explain how the soap and fat molecules interact! All you need is need whole milk, dish soap, and some food coloring. Get the details on the science here! Nature Play Getting kids in the great outdoors is a great way to spark an interest in science. You can start conversations and get first-hand experience on so many science-related subjects like the weather, ecosystems, animals, plants, seasons, and more! Get outside, observe what your child is interested in, and explore it together! You can enhance their learning with simple activities like these: Leaf rubbings - Help your child notice the vascular system of leafs and explain what leafs do for plants! Bird/ animal watching - Learn about the different species in your areas and observe and explain behaviors like foraging, nest building, defending territory, etc. Nature scavenger hunts - Help them slow down and notice the little things as you search for items around the park like pine cones, an ant hill, clovers, flowers, etc. This is great for introducing a ton of science-related vocabulary! Fizzy Paint Fizzy paint combines art, sensory play, and science into one fun, kid-approved activity! It lasts a bit longer than your typical baking-soda-and-vinegar activity since the kids interact with the materials more. And as they paint, they’ll also be learning about chemical reactions! Counting Frames Counting frames, also called five frames or ten frames, are a great way to help toddlers understand the concept of numbers rather than just memorizing the order of numbers. Simply make a grid of five to ten squares with painters tape on the floor and gather up a few items to count! Check out the Busy Toddler for ideas to make your counting frames fun! Building Toys Building toys like blocks, train sets, and magnetic tiles are great for fine motor skills, problem solving, and creative thinking! They’re the perfect toddler toy for the “engineering” side of stem! If your toddler is getting bored with plain wooden blocks, they might be ready for more interactive or challenges building materials. Our wooden train sets and building brick activity tables can help make building one of your toddler’s favorite ways to play, making it easy for you to incorporate STEM into their daily lives!

Buying Guide: Kids Kitchen Playset
Buying a kitchen playset can feel a little like a Goldilocks story. You’re searching for the one that’s just right – the design to make you and your little chef happy, the quality to last through the years, and all the features to enable fun, immersive pretend play. To help you find your perfect play kitchen fast, we’ve laid out all the factors you’ll want to consider before making the big purchase! Size & Counter Height First, be sure to measure the space you plan to put your new play kitchen – eyeballing it is not the way to go here! Even if space is tight, smaller play kitchens can squeeze into little spaces and are ideal for toddlers. As far as finding the right size play kitchen for your child, it’s tough to go wrong – even bigger kids will still enjoy playing with smaller play kitchen sets, and the littlest little will grow into larger kitchens. But if you’re looking for that perfect fit, go for a play kitchen with countertops that are about the height of their hips. Materials Most kid’s kitchen playsets are made of either wood or plastic. Plastic play kitchens often come in at a lower price point, but often at the cost of quality. Wooden children’s play kitchens tend to last longer, look more realistic to your kids, and (real talk) look better in your home. Color and Design Speaking of looking better in your home… there’s no reason you have to settle for a bright plastic eyesore in the middle of your playroom. Our selection of wooden play kitchens come in just about every style and color you could hope for means you can pick the perfect play kitchen to vibe with your home’s aesthetic. Your Child’s Interests Another thing you’ll want to match? Your kiddo’s interests and preferences! Maybe you want a gender-neutral design so your little guy doesn’t think of play kitchens as a “girl’s” toy. Maybe you’re looking to recreate your child’s favorite parts about the real kitchen like using the ice machine or looking through the window above the sink. Whatever the case, only you know the features that will make a play kitchen the perfect fit for your little chef. If you’re buying the play kitchen as a gift for someone else, be sure to ask their parents what special touches they would love to have! Accessories Most play kitchens come with at least a few accessories like pots, pans, dishes and play food. While those cute little fake cupcakes are something to consider, they shouldn’t make or break your decision. You can always add additional play kitchen accessories later. Extra Features Of course, the best thing about play kitchens is that they encourage good old-fashioned pretend play, but a few extra features like working light and sounds can make that imaginative play even more immersive. Beeping microwaves, working ice machines, and stovetop sound effects can add realism to your kids’ kitchen playset and make it even more engaging, though some parents prefer noiseless kitchen playsets (hey, we get it). From large corner kitchens to tiny toddler kitchens, from pretty pinks to calming neutrals, our line of kids play kitchens has something for every little sous chef out there. Browse our full collection of wood play kitchens to find the one that checks off your wishlist!

The Importance of Unstructured Playtime for Children's Development
Pre school? Check. Soccer practice? Check. Piano lessons? Check. Ample amounts of unstructured play time? Ummm… Modern parenting is tricky – between academics, activities, apps, we have so many resources to entertain and teach our kids. So many that we sometimes miss out on one of the best teaching tools of childhood: unstructured play. Here’s what it is, why your kids need it, and how you can make it a regular part of your child’s life! Benefits of unstructured playtime So, exactly what is unstructured play, and why is it so important? Quite simply, unstructured play is child-led play time that’s not directed by an adult and doesn't involve screens – and it has some pretty huge benefits for kids’ development! Develops creativity and imagination A bored child is just a few minutes away from becoming a creative child! When kids are given the time and space to entertain themselves, their imagination kicks into gear. From dramatic play to building and crafting to inventing their own games, unstructured play is the secret sauce to unlocking your kiddo’s creativity. Enhances problem-solving and decision-making skills Want to help your child develop problem-solving, critical thinking, and decision-making? Give them time for free play! Seriously. When they encounter a problem, they rise to the occasion, getting creative with what they find or making something new. All the while, they're learning without even realizing it! Improves social and emotional development When kids get a chance to play together without any adult interference, they figure out how to communicate their ideas, take turns, share, and get along. It’s fine to help young toddlers learn how to introduce themselves or to help diffuse major squabbles, but in general, resist the temptation to hover over every interaction at the playground. Enhances physical development and motor skills Give a kid freedom to play how they want, and what will they do? MOVE. When given the opportunity and the environment, kids run, climb, explore, dig, move heavy objects, etc – no gym coach required. All of that movement helps support them in getting the exercise they need and developing strength and gross motor skills. Reduces stress and anxiety We know – the idea that our pampered little loves are stressed can seem laughable. But the fact is, when kids are overscheduled, over-screened, and don’t get the movement and play time they need, their mental health can suffer as a result. Free play activities help release pent-up emotions, boost mood, and increase self-esteem – especially when those activities involve lots of movement and outdoor time. Kids get a chance to have some control over their day, to shake expectations of doing things “right,” and to revel in the joy of just playing. Obstacles to Unstructured Playtime Implementing more unstructured playtime sounds super easy on paper – as in “Hey, go play and have fun!!” But in reality, modern obstacles can make it pretty difficult to achieve. Screens & Tech Today’s kids are growing up in a world where screens are everywhere, and if we’re not careful, those screens can rob them of play. These devices can be addictive in nature and make it hard for kids to engage in other types of play. Pressure to “Get Ahead” Sometimes, parents are made to feel like the only goal of the preschool years is to learn letters and numbers… or to train up the next big soccer star. Let’s be clear – there’s nothing wrong with encouraging kids in academics and extracurriculars, but a heavy focus on them can leave little time for unstructured play, which may not seem as "productive" or "useful.” If you’re feeling that pressure, just remember that the “soft skills” of childhood – ie. problem solving, emotional regulation, social skills, creativity, etc. – are going to be just as, if not more important to their success as students and adults. Safety Concerns Does unstructured play feel like a recipe for disaster? Remember that unstructured doesn’t necessarily mean unsupervised. You can and should still keep a watchful eye in public settings while letting kids take age-appropriate risks. Plus, a kid-friendly backyard and a child-proofed home go a long way to giving kids the freedom to explore without compromising safety. Packed Schedules Finally, there's the issue of time. Between work, household chores, and other responsibilities, it can feel like screens or scheduled activities are the only way to make it all happen. But unstructured playtime can be our best friend here! It’s a developmentally-friendly way for kids to spend their time while giving us a minute to load the dishwasher or pay the bills. Normalizing unstructured play in your home may take some time at first, but we promise, in the long run, it’s worth it for both you and your kids! How to Encourage Unstructured Playtime Fostering unstructured play is all about creating time and spaces that encourage creativity, exploration, and imagination. Here are some practical tips for making that happen: Craft a safe and stimulating environment: First off, let’s all take a breath and remember it’s okay to let kids be messy, loud, and a little bit wild sometimes. Outdoor time is perfect for this! Indoors, we can also provide them with open-ended toys like play kitchens, dollhouses, and other pretend play props – but remember, it's up to them to decide how to use them. Allow free time Sounds simple, but we know how easy it is to fall into all the sports, camps, and lessons. Guard against the pressure to fill every moment of their day with structured activities. Unstructured time is just as valuable! For some kids, it may be helpful to create a daily rhythm so they know when to expect free play time each day. Limit screen time If screens are your child’s go-to fix for boredom, adjusting to free play can be tough at first, but stick with it! If you feel like you need some help reducing screen time, we recommend checking out the American Academy of Pediatrics Family Media Plan Tool. It walks you through the process of identifying your goals and creating a media plan that works for your family! Encourage outdoor play Outdoor play is critical for kids’ physical and emotional wellbeing, and it provides endless opportunities for unstructured play. Whether it's on your backyard playset, at a local park, or on a nature walk, try to make time for it every day. Be patient and allow for boredom Unstructured play doesn’t always come easily. You can still count on hearing “I’m bored!” every now and then, especially from kids who are just getting used to independent free play. Encourage your child to persevere through boredom and frustration, modeling ideas for activities and, above all, keeping a positive attitude. Remember, this time is meant to be fun – harsh reprimands will only work against you in the end. Model unstructured play And lastly, let's not forget to have fun ourselves! Get down on the floor and build a fort. Run around the backyard. Make a mess in the mud kitchen. Even with play, kids learn by example. It may sound counterintuitive, but playing with your child will make it easier for them to engage in those activities without your help later. Plus, kids need a balance of independent play and warm interaction with adult caregivers. When you fill up their love-and-attention tanks by spending time together, they feel more emotionally secure and able to spend time on their own. So, there you have it – the challenges and joys of unstructured playtime. Let's embrace the chaos and creativity and let the kids be kids! Who knows what kind of magic they'll create when they're left to their own devices?

How Wooden Blocks Promote Child Development
Sometimes, it’s the simple things that make the biggest impact – and that’s definitely true when it comes to classic toys like wooden blocks. Blocks are recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (and nearly every other similar organization) as a great toy to promote healthy child development. But how do these simple toys do so much? Here are a few of the ways blocks help kids develop and thrive! Sensory Play When we think sensory play, bins of colorful rice and squishy sensory bags are probably the first things to come to mind. But for babies, sensory play can be even simpler. After all, nearly everything is new to them, so any new material, texture, temperature, or sound truly fascinates them! While infants may not be stacking blocks just yet, they are learning and playing as they explore blocks’ differing textures, shapes, and weights. They also make great auditory sensory play objects as babies tap, bang, and clap them together. Fine Motor Skills One of the most well-known benefits of blocks are the fine motor skills that are developed as toddlers learn to stack and balance blocks. In addition to developing careful grips and lining blocks up on top of one another, they also get practice with the pressure and speed they use to add new blocks to the tower. Too hard or fast, and they’ll cause the others to tumble! These fine motor skills are the same that will eventually allow them to set a cup down gently on the table without spilling or learn to gently pet the family dog. Cognitive Development A child’s ability to stack blocks always shows up on lists of cognitive developmental milestones. Why? Learning to stack and build encourages problem-solving skills. As toddlers rebuild towers over and over, they begin to learn what makes them crash and what makes them more stable. By age 2, experts expect children to be able to stack 4 or more blocks and 6 or more by age 3. Mastering these simple towers means they’ve likely developed many of the fine motor and problem-solving skills expected for their age. Open-ended Pretend Play Symbolic play is another developmental milestone that often emerges between 18 months and 2 years of age when toddlers begin to use one object to represent another. A common example is pretending that a toy block is a car. While any type of object can be used in symbolic play, open-ended toys like blocks are great for encouraging pretend play. Because they are simple, children are often more willing to use them to represent other objects. Positive Parent-Child Interactions According to the AAP, “A toy’s most important attribute is its capacity to bring the parent or caregiver and the child together in playful interactions that are warm and full of rich language.” Blocks are a great toy for fostering these interactions, so take advantage of opportunities to play and chat together as your toddler pours out the blocks. You can talk about the colors and shapes, about how to make that wobbly tower a little more steady, or about the castle you're building together. A Toy that Grows with Them Some toys have a longer lifespan than others – while rattles and crinkle books may be baby favorites, they won’t hold toddlers’ and preschoolers’ attention. Blocks, on the other hand, can stay in the toy rotation for years as they always present new challenges! Babies love them for sensory exploration. Toddlers are drawn to the fine motor and cognitive challenge of stacking blocks. And preschoolers begin to create more complex structures and use them in pretend play.

How Does Play Support Cognitive Development?
Cognitive Development in Children Can we just talk about how amazing toddlers’ brains are? In the span of a few years, they go from first words to telling full stories. From stacking a couple of blocks to constructing entire block buildings. And from chewing on stuffed animals to using them in complex pretend play! Most amazing of all, most of that development happens naturally when kids are raised in supportive, loving environments with plenty of opportunities to play. So don’t stress about making flashcards or drilling numbers at this age. The most powerful tool you have for your child’s cognitive development is play! Here’s how different types of cognitive play support your child’s development. Grows Their Problem-solving Skills Part of a child’s cognitive development is their ability to solve problems. For a toddler, that can be as simple as finally learning how to zip their own jacket. But those same skills will serve them later with more complex problems from schoolwork, social situations, and extra-curricular activities. In fact, toddlers are naturally drawn to problem-solving activities during play. These are a few brain-boosting favorites: Puzzles Stacking blocks Playing hide-and-seek with objects Memory games Dressing and undressing themselves or toys When toddlers engage in activities like this, they’re pushing their brains to develop creativity, analytical thinking, and persistence they’ll need later in life. For more ideas, see our 7 Problem-Solving Activities for Toddlers! Boosts Their Language While language is often considered its own area of development, there's plenty of crossover between a child’s cognitive development and their language development. Playing with your child is one of the most powerful ways you can help grow their language skills. Whether you’re playing make-believe, building a block tower, reading, or doing a puzzle, nearly any type of play is naturally filled with opportunities to grow your child’s vocabulary and increase their understanding of sentence structure and grammar. So play together frequently and don’t hold back when it comes to “big” words. In the process, you’ll also boost their social skills and sense of self-worth! Starts Symbolic & Logical Thinking Okay so that “logic” part may not truly come into play for a while. At least according to Piaget’s Stages of Development, kids don’t begin to think logically until around age 7 in the “Concrete Operational Stage.” However, the foundation for logical thinking is laid in the “Preoperational Stage,” around ages 2-6. This is when kids begin to use symbolic thinking such as using one object to represent another (i.e. pretending a block is a toy car). In fact, this is actually considered an important developmental milestone! And if you think that sounds a lot like pretend play… you’re right! By providing frequent opportunities for child-led pretend play, you’re actually helping your child develop the symbolic thinking that will help them become logical thinkers later on. Increases Their Attention Span If you’ve ever tried to force a toddler to focus on a task they don’t want to do… well, you know how pointless that is. That’s why play is far better at building your child’s attention span! When they find a challenge they want to tackle, such as building train tracks or solving a puzzle, their attention spans can be surprisingly long! So follow your child’s lead here. Whether they’re playing with dolls or building with blocks, if they are engaged and focused, try not to interrupt them and remove distractions like TV noise. (One caveat: many kids will play endlessly with screens, but since these activities are often hyper-stimulating, they aren’t building their attention spans in the same way. Minimal to moderate screen time is still the way to go!) Real-world Role Playing Remember that, for toddlers, social and emotional learning is perhaps even more important than learning letters and numbers. Pretend play is one of the main ways your toddler makes sense of the world and their place in it, so encourage it any chance you get… especially when they’re interested in role playing real-life scenarios. Fantasy-based pretend play is great too, but real-world roleplaying is especially helpful for learning social norms, practicing their social skills, and growing their vocabulary. Follow their interests and pretend with them as much as possible. You can also encourage their pretend play by providing toys like dress-up clothes, play kitchens, doctors kits, and other real-life props. For even more immersive pretend play, the Let’s Pretend Pop Ups let you set up an entire restaurant, vet’s office, or grocery store in the playroom in minutes. For more educational play ideas, check out our favorite activities to build your child’s communication skills!

5 Activities That Help Communication Skills for Kids
Communication milestones are some of the most fun – first words, first sentences, and all the adorably silly ways toddlers describe things. Fortunately, we don’t have to get fancy to encourage communication skills in our kids – one of the best things we can do is to talk with them as much as possible, using correct language and rich vocabulary. But adding in a few communication-building activities can be a fun way to challenge kids’ language skills and expose them to a wider range of vocabulary. Here’s a few simple activities to help your kids become confident, well-spoken communicators. Reading We know – this one is probably so obvious we could just skip it, but reading with your kids truly is one of the best things you can do to help them develop language and communication skills. Books not only help them develop a large vocabulary – kids will also intuitively pick up on sentence structure and grammatical rules, especially as you read some of the same books over and over. Even story books without words can be amazing for kids’ language development. (Think books with evocative pictures like Jerry Pinkney’s The Lion and the Mouse.) These books empower kids to decipher what’s happening in the pictures, make inferences about characters’ emotions, and narrate their own version of the story. Simon Says This classic kids’ game is great for developing skills in listening closely and following instructions, both of which are critical in the school years. And it can still be fun even if it’s just you and the kids. Take turns being Simon each time someone messes up – they’ll love the chance to give instructions too! Emotion Charades Non-verbal communication is important too – especially since recognizing non-verbal cues in others is tough for many kids. To practice, you can play a game of “Emotion Charades” where you take turns acting out different emotions (excited, bored, annoyed, angry, etc.). You can add an extra layer to the game by asking kids when they’ve seen someone display that emotion in real life, why they felt that way, and how your child reacted. Mystery Bag Have kids reach into an opaque bag filled with random objects and try to describe and guess what they feel without looking. Model it yourself a few times, making sure to get really precise as you describe the shape and feel of each object and what you think it is. Kids not only get a chance to flex their inductive reasoning muscles, they’ll also feel encouraged to use rich, descriptive language. Family Show and Tell No, you don’t need to have your kid do a presentation in front of all their friends, but casual mini-versions of show-and-tell in your own home can help your kids gain confidence as a speaker. Anytime they seem extra interested in a toy, activity, or show, simply ask them to tell you about it. You can ask them a mix of real and imagination-based questions like describing how a toy looks, where they got it, what it likes to do, where it sleeps, what it eats, etc. They’ll grow their imaginations and their speaking skills as they come up with answers. And if they seem to get shy in response to your questions instead of enjoying answering them? No worries. You can simply move on to something else – the last thing you want to do is make them feel pressure to perform. Instead, just look for natural opportunities to talk with your kids about things they enjoy. Remember, it’s not about racing to get to the first word or having the kindergartner with the most impressive vocabulary. Just try to help your child know that you truly enjoy communicating with them, whether that’s in a game like the ones above or in your day-to-day life. Kids who feel heard and respected (at any stage of communication) are more likely to feel confident and prepared as they communicate with peers, teachers, and other adults throughout their life.

How to Help Your Child Focus and Concentrate
Kids aren’t exactly known for their ability to focus for long periods of time. You can chalk some of that up to their natural attention spans (which aren’t that long to begin with). Combine that with our multi-tasking, tech-distracted tendencies, and you’ve got a recipe for kids who struggle to focus for even short periods of time. Thankfully, we can help our kiddos grow their focus and concentration over time with intentional changes to our routines, spaces, and instructions. Here’s what you can do! Take Frequent Breaks Keep in mind that we can only expect kids to concentrate for so long. In general, experts agree that kids should be able to focus for 2 - 5 minutes times their age. So a 5-year-old should be able to focus on a task for 10 - 25 minutes at a time. But this will vary depending on a ton of factors. Kids who are hungry, thirsty, tired, or emotional may have far shorter attention spans. Likewise, if kids have already been focusing for long periods of time throughout the day at school, it may be tougher for them to focus on tough or “boring” tasks at home. One way to help kids reset and restore focus is to take frequent breaks according to their age and attention span at that moment (i.e. tired or “amped up” kids might need more breaks). These breaks can vary by time and activity according to what your kids need at that moment. Kids who need to get up and expend energy will benefit from playing actively outside. Kids who are hungry could use a snack break, etc. With a little time and observation, you’ll learn to pick up on cues from your kids that indicate they need to take a break and come back to the task at hand later. Remove Distractions We probably know to remove external distractions when kids need to focus – turning off screens, reducing noise, keeping the area tidy – but we should try to reduce internal distractions too. Temperature, an uncomfortable chair, or hunger can be just as distracting as the TV. Set Up a “Focus” Space With that in mind, it’s great to set up a space that’s always distraction-free for kids to focus on their homework and other tasks. A kids desk in a quiet area of the house is ideal. Since they’re ergonomically correct for tiny bodies, they’ll help reduce internal distractions like straining to reach a tabletop that’s too tall. Eventually, their brain will come to associate that space with quiet, focused work time instead of eating, playing, sleeping, or watching TV. Focus on One Thing at a Time We’ve all heard it before: multitasking actually reduces performance, and none of us really multitask that well. This is especially true when it comes to kids. They’re probably not trying to cook dinner, listen to a Podcast, and respond to emails at the same time, but they may be trying to lay out all of their homework and jump from task to task. Encourage them to focus on one assignment, one problem, one question at a time without looking ahead or switching to a different task. Break Down Big Tasks When kids find a task overwhelming, they’re more likely to lose focus or give up altogether. Whether it’s cleaning their room or finishing a project for school, help them out by giving them one simple instruction at a time. When that step is complete, move on to the next, taking breaks as needed. Remember, to keep your expectations realistic and stick with good attention-building habits. Overtime, you’ll help your kids develop skills that will help them succeed in school and beyond!