6 Indoor Summer Activities for Toddlers
We’re all for fun in the sun, but let’s be real – when the summer heat is at its peak, everyone is happier playing in the AC for a while. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still have some summertime fun! You can keep the kids active, creative, and learning with these six fun indoor activities for summer!
Fun Bath “Swim” Time
Turn an everyday bath into a fun indoor summer activity by adding some fun sensory materials or unusual toys. Shaving cream, bath bombs, and bathtub crayons and paints are great for making fun but easy-to-clean messes. Things like dried pasta, kitchen tools, and small water-proof toys can turn the bath into a watery sensory bin. Our favorite fun bath idea though has to be Busy Toddler’s building bricks bathtime! Building bricks float, so the water adds a whole new challenge as they try to build floating structures. Best of all? you’ll be able to skip the bath at bedtime!
Couch Cushion Obstacle Course
When the kids’ energy levels scream “Play outside!” but the heat index says “Stay inside!”, you’ll need an active physical activity. An indoor obstacle course is just the thing, and your couch cushions make the perfect props. Stack them for a mini climbing challenge and spread them out like stepping stones for some jumping. If your couch cushions aren’t removable (or you just want to spare them the abuse!), you can lay some masking tape down on the floor for a “follow the line” game!
Pretend Summer Treats
In the winter months, you’ve probably seen your littles whip up pretend Thanksgiving dinners or Christmas cookies in their play kitchen. Bring the same fun to summer by showing them fun summertime treats they can pretend to make. Lemonade, smoothies, ice cream, popsicles, and BBQ are all perfect summertime treats.
Indoor Camping
“Roast” some s’mores in the microwave and set up sleeping bags in a blanket fort! Indoor camping is perfect for testing the waters for a real camping trip or for just having a fun summer night in! Our Pretend Camping Cookout set has everything you need to complete the fun with a wooden campfire, pretend fishing set, ice chest, camping stove, and camping dishes!
Summertime Crafts
Windchimes, sun catchers, bird feeders, kites – there’s a ton of crafts that are great for indoor and outdoor summertime fun. When the sun is hot, head indoors to have fun at the craft table. Then when it’s a bit cooler in the morning, evening, or on cloudy days, head outdoors to use them!
Dollhouse “Pool”
Treat the doll family to some summertime luxury by adding a mini pool to the dollhouse’s “backyard” If your little one’s dolls are waterproof, a shallow mixing bowl or glass baking dish with a little bit of water is all you need. If not, you can fill it with fish tank marbles, blue craft pom poms, or shredded blue construction paper.
Once the weather cools off, head to the backyard for some outdoor summer fun with our 12 Outdoor Play Ideas!